Seed and Backpackers



I recently found out that Seed and Backpackers were taken off of The CW’s lineup. I don’t know if they’re officially cancelled. I’m pretty sure they are. They weren’t that good to begin with. Both are supposed to be comedies, but they failed to be comedic. I think both shows only aired two episodes each.

I didn’t watch either show as they aired. I opted to watch them on The CW’s website instead. There were other shows that I liked, so naturally, I didn’t pay attention to Seed or Backpackers. If these shows are indeed cancelled, I wish the best of luck to everyone who was involved with both shows.

The End of Black Box


Black Box has ended. The series finale was on July 24, 2014. It was a two hour series finale. I found out a few minutes ago that the show was cancelled a few days ago. Prior to that, I thought it was just a season finale.

I still haven’t watched the last three episodes, but I guess I’m not missing out on much. The show started out somewhat interesting. It went downhill somewhere along the line.

The show’s cancellation isn’t much of a loss for me. I wish the best of luck to everyone who was involved with Black Box.

The End of Crossbones



Crossbones has ended. The finale was on August 2, 2014. It was a two hour series finale. After the finale, I found out that the show was actually cancelled back in July 2014. Prior to that, I thought it was just a season finale.

I had some hope for the show. I lost interest in the show a few episodes in. Despite that, I continued to watch the show anyway. I wanted to see how the story would be carried out.

The show’s cancellation isn’t much of a loss for me. It was something to help pass the time by for Friday nights of TV. I won’t have any Friday shows until September 2014.

I wish the best of luck to everyone who was involved with Crossbones.

Dominion (Part 3)


During last night’s episode of Dominion, I kept seeing #RenewDominion in my timeline. At that time, I didn’t watch the episode, although I was recording it. I just happened to be on Twitter when it was airing. It made me wonder if the series was cancelled. I did a Google search regarding a cancellation, but there wasn’t anything about it being cancelled. I’m guessing that fans just wanted the showrunners to know that they wanted the show to have a second season.

Although I watch the show, I’m not hooked on it. Hence, the reason why I was recording it instead of watching it as it aired. I had different expectations of it. I was expecting less talk and more action. There was just too much dialogue. I gave the show a chance because I liked angels. I thought the show would have a Supernatural or Grimm feel to it. Supernatural‘s upcoming season is the tenth season, so you know they’re doing something right. Grimm‘s upcoming season is the fourth season, so they’re off to a good start.

I will have to wait and see what happens.

The Killing – Season 4 (Final Season)


Season 4 (the final season) of The Killing will premiere on August 1, 2014 on Netflix. AMC cancelled the show after season 3, but Netflix picked it up for a fourth and final season. I thought the tweets that I’ve been seeing from Netflix were regarding having seasons 1-3. However, when I saw that they tweeted that the final season was going to premiere in one week, it made me wonder if the show continued. After some research, I found out about season 4.

I stopped watching the show at some point during season 3, so I didn’t keep up with news about the show. I happened to see the tweet about it because I follow Netflix on Twitter. Season 4 is supposed to conclude the show. I’m guessing that season 3 had a cliffhanger.

I suppose I can say congratulations on another season. I hope it will end well and have a resolution.

The End of Crisis



Crisis has ended. Actually, it ended back in June 2014, but I finally watched the last two episodes today. It only had one season. It wasn’t that interesting to me, but I watched it anyway because I wanted to see if the students would be freed or rescued. There wasn’t anything suspenseful about it. I felt like it wasn’t so great because the person who was the “brains of the operation” was revealed early on. If they had waited until the very end to reveal that person, it probably would’ve been much better.

Every time a character had a revelation or awareness about what was going on or who the kidnappers were, it didn’t feel like a shocker. I wasn’t shocked when I found out. This show should’ve had that shock factor, but it didn’t. The only thing about the show that was really good was the last few seconds of the finale. It was a cliffhanger! I wanted to know who the text message was being sent to and what the text message would’ve said.

I wish the best of luck to everyone who was involved with the show!

Hieroglyph – Cancelled



I read on Entertainment Weekly that Hieroglyph was cancelled. It was an upcoming show on Fox. It hasn’t even premiered yet. I was looking forward to the show. The official Twitter handle had been tweeting pictures and such to get people interested. I suppose the show didn’t test well. Perhaps they should’ve had Stephen Sommers on board with the project. I liked what he did for The Mummy, The Mummy Returns, and The Scorpion King.

To read about the cancellation, visit 7 potentially awesome shows canceled before they premiered.